Building your new experience

ERP Systems


The complete management of your company.

Our ERP system can take your company to a new level of efficiency, control and security, thanks to its ability to manage all business processes in an integrated and automated way, reduce errors and improve collaboration between departments.

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Our company's ERP system is a modern and secure solution that integrates all business functions, from inventory control to production management and accounting. With its efficiency, it ensures optimized workflows, reduced errors, and improved end customer experience.

Modular Components

Modular Components

Cloud and On Premise

Cloud and On Premise

Website and e-commerce management

Website and e-commerce management

Employees and Roles

Employees and Roles

Marketing e Performance

Marketing e Performance


A modern and safe system.

A modern and secure ERP system is essential for the unified management of all business processes, ensuring greater efficiency and accuracy in handling business activities. This results in a better experience for the end customer, with faster and more reliable service and overall increased satisfaction.


Modular Components, Managers and Operators.

A modular and compartmentalized ERP system with a user permission and role-based system is crucial to ensure proper control of business processes. This enables enhanced data security and efficient management, improving process integrity and interdepartmental collaboration, while reducing the risk of errors and fraud.


Your goals, reflected in your software.

An extendable and customizable ERP system is of paramount importance as it allows businesses to tailor the system to their specific needs. This leads to more efficient processes, increased operational flexibility, and better support for business strategies, enabling a competitive advantage in the market.


Efficient, productive and fast monitoring.

An ERP system that enables monitoring of activities and performance in production and marketing sectors is crucial for obtaining a comprehensive and real-time view of business operations. This allows for informed decision-making, resource optimization, and overall improvement in company efficiency.


Enterprise Resource Planning

Our ERP system is a complete and integrated solution for the effective management of company activities.

An adequate ERP system provides a comprehensive and real-time overview of all business functions, facilitating planning, monitoring, and control of operations. Integration of business processes improves efficiency, reduces errors, and optimizes resource utilization. Moreover, a secure ERP system protects sensitive data and mitigates the risks of fraud or privacy breaches.
Implementing an effective ERP system contributes to enhanced productivity, better decision-making, and customer satisfaction, offering a competitive advantage for the company in the business landscape.

Enterprise Resource Planning
Enterprise Resource Planning
Communications Center
Communications Center

Communications Center

A communication center such as an ERP system is important for improving collaboration and business efficiency.

An effective ERP system can serve as a centralized communication hub, facilitating information exchange across different departments and business functions. This enhances collaboration, operational efficiency, and informed decision-making throughout the organization.

Web Sites and Ecommerce
Web Sites and Ecommerce

Web Sites and Ecommerce

Process integration, centralized data management and more efficient control compared to websites and ecommerce.

We develop a tailored ERP system for clients, utilizing websites and e-commerce, involving requirements analysis, software customization, integration with existing systems, and gradual implementation to ensure a smooth transition and optimal user experience.

Lead Management / CRM
Lead Management / CRM

Lead Management / CRM

A reliable CRM is essential to effectively manage customer relationships, improve loyalty and optimize sales.

Our CRM provides an intuitive interface, comprehensive traceability, advanced automation, flexible integrations, and reliable support to maximize customer retention and optimize sales. Choosing our CRM ensures business success.

Virtual Call Center
Virtual Call Center

Virtual Call Center

Flexible, scalable and cost-effective call management system, ensuring simplification and rapid communication.

Our virtual PBX services provide customer convenience through flexibility, scalability, and cost reduction, simplifying business communication and enabling quick and efficient call management from anywhere.

Sales panel
Sales panel

Sales panel

A clear and efficient sales dashboard, enabling informed decisions and improved efficiency.

Our dashboard provides a comprehensive real-time view of sales performance, enabling informed decisions, lead management, and operational efficiency improvement to maximize business outcomes in the sales sector.

Purchases panel
Purchases panel

Purchases panel

An advanced interface for managing information on the status of orders, suppliers, cost control and multiple relevant areas.

With our purchasing dashboard, we offer an advanced interface to manage orders, suppliers, and costs, providing a comprehensive view and effective control of the purchasing process, enabling informed decisions and optimizing business efficiency.

Warehouse management
Warehouse management

Warehouse management

Thanks to the intuitive and functional interface of our system, the management of the virtual warehouse takes place quickly and efficiently.

The Warehouse function in our ERP system offers several benefits to customers, including efficient inventory management, accurate tracking of movements, error reduction, and improved control over inventory costs.

Project Dashboard
Project Dashboard

Project Dashboard

The features of an adequate project dashboard are necessary for the internal management of your company.

Our design dashboard offers advanced features to monitor project status, manage resources, control costs, and generate detailed reports, ensuring effective project management and the success of business projects.

Internal Know-How
Internal Know-How

Internal Know-How

A dashboard dedicated to documenting valuable information to improve collaboration and business efficiency.

The utilization of the Know How panel in our ERP system offers significant advantages to the customer, enabling efficient sharing of internal knowledge, enhancing collaboration, organizational learning, and operational efficiency to achieve better and competitive outcomes.

Employees and Users
Employees and Users

Employees and Users

Our CRM allows you to manage information and interactions with employees and users, improving business collaboration.

The utilization of the Employees and Users section in our CRM offers key benefits to the customer, including efficient management of employee information, improving internal communication, collaboration, and activity tracking for effective human resource management.

Performance Views
Performance Views

Performance Views

The Performance function of our ERP system optimizes processes, increases productivity and improves business operational efficiency.

Performance visualization functions for employees enable objective evaluation, result monitoring, identification of strengths and weaknesses, and planning of human and material resources to improve overall efficiency and organizational effectiveness.

And much more...
And much more...

And much more...

A software that is continuously updated and developed, with periodic optimization and evolution of the organizational systems.

We ensure constant updates and development of our ERP platform to provide you with new features, performance enhancements, security, and reliable technical support to meet your evolving business needs.





A/B Testing

A/B Testing

Pixel Foundry Dev Ops & Visual

We create tailor-made digital worlds for you, skillfully combining technology and creativity. From conception to complete management, our company fulfills all technical and creative requirements, ensuring an engaging and memorable experience for your customers.


Cloud version
Cloud version

Cloud version

Access your system with Cloud technology, ensuring presence and interconnectivity, without the need for on-site hardware.

The cloud-based management version of ERP software is based on a cloud deployment model where the ERP software is hosted and accessible via the Internet. This allows for greater flexibility, scalability, and access from anywhere, simplifying management and reducing reliance on local hardware.

On Premise version
On Premise version

On Premise version

With Cloud on Premise, access the system in a flexible and scalable way, directly from your company's hardware.

The adoption of Cloud on Premise provides benefits such as cloud flexibility and scalability, direct control over infrastructure and business data, data security for sensitive information, reduced dependency on hardware, quick and reliable access to systems, enhancing employee productivity and collaboration.

Custom integrations
Custom integrations

Custom integrations

We develop customizable integrations according to the needs expressed by the needs of your company.

Our customized integrations allow you to personalize the ERP system according to your specific business needs, enhancing efficiency, optimizing processes, and creating seamless connections with other existing applications and business systems for integrated and automated management of business activities.

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Pixel Foundry Srl - V.N. 02318270515 - Arezzo / IT